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Quick buy is like a fast lane that we offer you to purchase the gold instantly. Within one click it ready to make your way to checkout page. What you need to do is just select game, server and quantity you like to purchase.
Customer's safety is our first priority. For this reason, we take all of the necessary precautions to minimize the possibility of abuse as much as possible. We will verify your account by
We guarantee that all customer information will be kept safely because we take it very seriously.
We are continuously on the hunt for more reliable suppliers of MMORPG gold. However, price fluctuation is simply an inherent feature in the virtual currency market. This is due to the issues of supply and demand.
Currently we are only able to accept PayPal and credit cards via PayPal. In the near future we hope to also be able to accept MoneyBookers and credit cards.
Regardless of the wrong information you input into our system, it can be fixed. You simply need to contact us so that the necessary corrections can be made right away.
Store credits can be bought and used instead of money. You can use whatever store credits you have in your account anytime you like. They can be used to pay for your entire purchase. As such, you can think of them just like money. So, yes, it is also refundable. This may leave you wondering what the point in having them is then. Well, they will make it easier and quicker for you at checkout. Refunds of store credits are also done instantly. This is why we highly recommend that you use them, especially if you plan to purchase MMORPG gold from us on a regular basis.
There are essentially two ways in which you can get store credits:
You can see how many store credits you currently have by looking at your “My Account” page.
As long as you have enough store credits available, you can use them alone to pay for your gold. However, if you don’t have enough store credits available you will need to use PayPal in order to pay for the difference.
Yes, we have gold available. If you would like to make a specific inquiry, please contact one of our representatives.
Newsletter is another convenient way for you to stay in tune on what's latest update. We will update the promotional campaign for special occasion. You could check this out through the newsletter.
The delivery options that are available to you will depend upon the game, the product, the quantity and some circumstances. Most of the time you can choose between Face-To-Face delivery, In-Game Mail and Auction House trade. Before purchasing your products you will need to choose between these delivery methods. If you have further inquiries in regard to this subject, please contact us via email or live chat.
We do our best to make the delivery time as short as possible. Our goal is to complete your delivery within 72 hours. However, this time will vary greatly depending upon the readiness of our inventory and circumstantial factors (i.e. game server traffic, order volume) as well.
In order to change your delivery time you will need to login to you account and click on the “my account” tab. Here you will be able to choose the “change my delivery time” page. This is where you will edit the information.
You will need to login in order to track your order. Once you are logged in, you will have to insert the tracking code.
This is your way of telling us when you are ready to trade the gold. Whenever you receive an email stating that the gold is ready, this button will appear along with your tracking details. To use this button you will need to login and insert your order tracking code. You will then be able to see your order’s details and the green “I’m ready” button. Click on this button so that we know that you are ready to trade. At this point you will need to tell us how many hours you plan to be online for. Once all of this information is completed and submitted our staff will get in touch with you.
Never ever trade back the gold under any circumstances. If you are asked to return the gold after you receive it, you should assume that you are being scammed. Make sure to report this to us immediately. The only time that you should ever return the gold is if you confirm this with one of our staff members outside of the game. This is a warning that you should take seriously. Please also note that we are not responsible for your loss of gold do to third parties’ fraudulent methods.
Please note that we do not have a policy of asking for or keeping our customers’ login information. If you are ever approached in the game or via an email with this type of a message, please make sure to report it to us immediately. There are definitely some scammers out there but we are not responsible for the loss of your account or anything in your account because of fraud committed by a third party.
To speed up delivery process, we suggest customer to check our stock on live chat first before placing an order. Most orders can be done within 15 minutes if we have enough gold available in stock.
While you already know that you can purchase gold from us, did you know that you can also sell us your gold? This is a great way to make money from your favorite MMORPG. Please email us for details on this opportunity and what options we currently have available.
We are constantly seeking to establish mutual beneficial co-ops with our users. If you would like to explore an opportunity with us, please don’t hesitate to email us.